Gecko Newcast

Academic Enrichment Grant

 2018-2019 Project Summary

Gregg Deatley

Gullett Elementary • Austin, TX

The Weekly NewsCast Project is a newscast of relevant school- and community-based news reports prepared and delivered by fifth grade students. This makes this student-centered approach an effective communication technique for digitally experienced students while being relevant across students, staff, parents, and the community.

Students will participate in the project primarily during their technology subject area, with some project time dedicated to cross-curricular and after school time. All fifth grade students will become more adept in creating (writing), producing (acting, filming) content development, and editing. Each week, the groups will rotate their responsibilities, thereby exposing each student to all six elements. At the conclusion of the first six weeks, the process will move on to the next class. By the end of the school year, every fifth grade student will have participated in the project. During the last month of the school year, interested students will be invited to train the fourth graders who will take over the newscast the following year. While a newscast is not necessarily an original idea, it is an underutilized and therefore innovative approach to learning in public education. The project is steeped in best practices for student-centered learning while also being pioneering in empowering students to take the reins for information dissemination and communication at school.

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